Sunday, September 20, 2009

Summer photos

Wow, it's hard to believe its almost fall already. With the cottonwoods turning yellow and the threat of a freeze tonight, I decided it would be fun to upload some photos from our summer.

In June, after the whirlwind of wedding activities was done with, we took a trip to our favorite moutain lake to fish and relax.

In July, Whitney and I celebrated one year in our new place, and had a wonderful crop of cherries!

I thought it was wonderful anyway, Whitney thought it was a terrible lot of work. Either way, we got several gallons put up for pies this winter. One thing we really love is putting up fruit to have in the freezer for later on. We also put up several gallons of apples off our trees in the backyard.

Another thing that happened, I adopted a mare. This pretty little critter was needing a home and while Whitney and I didn't need a horse, and certainly weren't looking for one, eventually I decided to take her on.

"Tess" as we've come to call her, is a 5 or 6 year old Arabian x quarter horse with plenty of attitude. She's showing good progress since I've taken her on, but there's a lot of work yet to come.

Of course one of our summer projects is filling the wood shed. Being that we heat mostly with wood, it's a good feeling to have plenty on hand since we're expecting a long winter.

One of my most time consuming projects of the late summer has been log oiling the house.

It took 20 gallons to cover the whole place with two coats, but I'm glad to say the job is done! I hope that it will last several years before I have to do that again.

This year we tried an actual garden. Whit actually started many of the plants from seed, and it's been a lot of fun watching them grow and mature.

Today we are enjoying corn, tomatoes, zucchinis, cucumbers, green onions, lettuce, yellow onions, carrots and strawberries from our garden!

Looking back it really was a great summer! With any luck we have a few weeks of warm weather left, but how can I help being excited for Grizzly football, hunting season and fall?

I hope everyone out there is doing good, and I look forward to hearing from all of you.

Until next time... Kyle